Transition to the Next Stage
For many seniors, independent living is a source of pride and accomplishment, so many are resistant to making the transition from the home to a care facility. While “aging in place” may be the goal, it often becomes impossible as circumstances change. The hazards of living at home only mount as someone loses cognitive and physical ability so it’s important to stay vigilant with your loved one’s situation. Transitioning to the next stage is something the team here at Advocare excels with. Our professional transition care associates take the worry and stress out of preparing your aging loved ones for the next stage of their life.
How Can I Make the Transition Easier?
Transition care starts when you notice a change. After all these years, it may be a challenge for your loved one to take care of themselves or their home. When in-home care isn’t enough or circumstances change, Advocare will help you answer the difficult questions and do what’s best for your family. Our care managers conduct a full assessment of your situation from medical needs to financial requirements in order to locate an assisted living facility which suits the needs of your family. Communication is a key part of a healthy transition as nobody wants to feel like they are being passed off as a burden. It’s important to help seniors remain safe, happy and healthy as transition plans are made and the move is carried out. Your transition care manager at Advocare oversees the entire process, saving you valuable time and maximizing your assets.
Most are unsure of even where to start when it comes to moving an ageing relative into a better situation. That’s where it helps to have the team at Advocare working on your side. Every family is different, meaning no plan for care fits everyone the same way. Here at Advocare, we focus on addressing the issues identified during our initial discussions with the family and the initial assessment meeting with the client. No matter what your needs, Advocare remains focused on addressing the issues identified during our initial discussions with the family and the initial assessment meeting with the client. Contact our team today and learn more about how you can help your loves one’s transition to their next stage in life.