Nowadays it seems as if there is a day for everything, everyone, and every food item. Some of these national or world celebrations are a little over the top, we will admit; however, World Senior Citizen’s Day holds a special place in our hearts. This important day is celebrated today, August 21st, and has been going on since 1991. In society, we commonly see people brush off their senior citizens and show a lack of empathy towards them and any issues they may have. The team at Advocare strives every day to change that perspective and we highlight and honor this special population each and every day!
We all seem to forget that one day it will be us who have shown signs of aging and gone through many decades of life. It is this reason that we encourage empathy and support World Senior Citizen’s Day. This day is a great way of spreading awareness. 

One Day It Will Be Us

While here at AdvoCare we believe everyone should care about our society’s senior citizens, we realize that for some it takes a little bit of a reality check to do so. Or maybe you care but are not actively empathetic? An activity we try and push is one where people take a step back and think about where they will be in 10, 20, even 50 years when they have reached senior citizen status. We often ask how you would want to be treated. For humans it can be hard to understand the struggles of others without being in their shoes; however, we all must care about our older folks. They have lived a long life and deserve appreciation.

We All Know an Elder We Care About

One of the reasons to care is because of the elders in our lives that we love. We would never want anything to happen to our grandmas and grandpas, or parents, so why would we not show the same compassion to other elders? These are people that other people care about. Here at AdvoCare we always say treat other senior citizens the way you would want someone else to treat your grandparents and parents. We think this approach puts things in perspective and helps us realize what we do and say have effects on others.


Here at AdvoCare we advocate and love our society’s senior citizens. They not only have done so much in their lifetime but also are truly the sweetest people. If you have a senior citizen you love in your life then you may be considering a care coordinator. At AdvoCare, we offer tons of services for senior citizens that benefit them and you. Our staff is all compassionate and educated on all types of elderly needs, making our facility a safe and loving place for your loved ones. To learn more about our many services, give us a call today at (561) 266-3489.